Saturday, February 11, 2012

Faith is the substance of things hoped for

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

God can say so much with so few words. But we love proof. Proof that Jesus is God. He spoke as one having authority, predicted the day and the way He would die. Then He demonstrated His power over death by rising from the dead. The Godhead was demonstrated in God the Father speaking in an audible voice. "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." Mathew 3:17 NASB

No other explanation for the empty tomb makes any sense to me. Many have set out to disprove the bible and the ones who gave it an honest investigation were convinced the bible is true. It is my hope, as well as the hope of many other generations past that we would stop fighting Him and accept His invitation to be saved from certain destruction. What's more to have a loving relationship with The Lover of Our Souls.

We may say to ourselves, (I know, I have done this myself), "But I am a pretty good person. I don't kill, steal,etc. I treat others as I would like to be treated".

That's great and God commends us for good behavior like this. But there is an inherent problem with the human race... sin. Adam and Eve handed it down as the only 2 people who had a choice. The rest of us suffer for our parents' sin. They chose to disobey God by believing that He was holding out on them by not allowing them to eat from that one tree, "The knowledge of good and evil".

They traded in a perfect creation with no sin, death, aging, or illness, for a lie. The devil has been using the same method ever since on us. Why change your game plan when it practically works every time?

But those of us who accept God's invitation and invite His Holy Spirit to indwell us have a "Helper". One who offers us a way out. Though it doesn't feel like it sometimes, we really have been given a second chance to meet God's standard of perfection. If we accept a foreign perfection. The one achieved by the life lived on this earth by Jesus Christ. If we put on Christ, then when God looks down from heaven, he doesn't see us as we are but as His Son, in Whom He is well pleased and thus the relationship with our Creator is restored. Some day all creation will also be restored and those of us who have chosen this relationship restoration, will see paradise lost has become paradise restored.

I know because God promises so and He hasn't broken a promise yet, nor will He ever. Please join us friend, won't you?

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